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Post Date: 5 August, 2:12 pm




By- Manisha Mantoo


Anger is an emotion that you all feel at times which is normal and can be a positive and useful emotion, if it is expressed appropriately but excess in anything is dangerous. It blocks your thinking and slowly you get trapped in darkness. It is like a poison that destroys you before it damages others. Anger is a toxic emotion that can damage your brain, ruin your health, and destroy your relationships with others. It disrupts the ability to connect with other. It weakens the body-mind relationships. Breathing becomes rapid and shallow.

Have you ever thought how anger ruins us?

The uncontrolled anger cause increase anxiety, high blood pressure and headache. It activates sympathetic nervous system which triggers the body’s ‘fight to flight’ response and you become ready to fight. It makes you act like a puppet and controls your mind and bodily actions. You lost your self control, ability to think, and even your happiness goes away.

Do you know what anger does to your health?

It causes-

Ø  Headache                                          

Ø  High blood pressure

Ø  Heart attack

Ø  Insomnia                                                         

Ø  Depression

Ø  Increased anxiety

Ø  Skin problems

Ø  Digestion problems

Ø  Relationship conflicts

When anger emotion arises, it becomes necessary to control it. And when you are able to control and reduce your anger, you not even feel good but also you will able to get your needs fulfill.

Tips to reduce anger

ü  eat healthy food                                                                     

ü  sleep for minimum 8 hours daily

ü  yoga can help to clear your mind

ü  deep breathe will instantly work to reduce anger

ü  accept reality

ü  morning exercise can make your day

ü  change your thinking patterns

ü  relaxation techniques

“Anger doesn’t solve anything. It builds nothing, but it can destroy everything”