+91 8882398235

Post Date: 5 August, 9:18 pm




by Priyadarshani Dora


Most of us have heard about bullying or have been a victim of it. Bullying is a repeated unwanted aggressive act to dominate the other person. It is a conscious intent to hurt or harm others which can damage their emotional, psychological, and physical wellbeing. 


There are four types of bullying :


  • Physical bullying: An intent to hurt someone physically .For example, pushing, biting, kicking
  • Verbal bullying: This one is really common. It includes name-calling, mean jokes, rumours.
  • Cyberbullying: Here the bullying happens on social media. The bullies post bad comments, mean text, spreading rumours online.
  • Psychological bullying: This type of bullying makes the victim feel bad about themselves. It involves repeated use of words or actions that can mentally hurt someone.


Why do people bully


Bullying can happen at any stage of our life. It can happen as early as preschool. There can be many reasons why people bully others. It can be because of low self-esteem, a feeling to dominate and need to control others, frustration, or being a victim of bullying themselves. Feeling lonely and being neglected can contribute to bullying. 

How to stop bullying                

  • Ask the bully to stop
  • Stay calm
  • Walk away
  • Ask for help
  • Avoid starting a fight
  • Don’t bully back
  • Be confident




In conclusion, It's important to remember how you want to be treated and treat people that way. Bullying is a grave problem and it can be prevented. Bullying can have serious effects on victim’s mental and physical health. Everyone deserves to be happy and being kind is much easier than being mean.


