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Post Date: 5 August, 10:42 pm

Covid and Happiness

Covid and Happiness


COVID and Happiness can go hand in hand

                                                                                                            By Rakshita

What is happiness? Before establishing a relationship between happiness and COVID, let’s first try to understand what happiness means. Happiness is described as “the experience of joy, contentment, or positive well-being, combined with a sense that one’s life is good, meaningful, and worthwhile.” by Sonja Lyubomirsky in her book ‘The How of Happiness’. Do we agree with it? Well, that’s subjective, but in a broader sense, yes this is essentially what happiness could be defined as. So rounding back to our topic, COVID and happiness can go hand in hand, it is a fair assumption to make that most of our happiness levels have taken a hit due to COVID and its repercussions. Now, not all people are affected as much as others but then we are talking about the population as a whole. In such uncertain times when people lose the sense of control in their life, it makes it difficult for them to cope up and stay happy. I'm here, writing this article, to help my friends all over the world to stay happy and try to look at the positive side of life in COVID.


According to Yale academic, Professor Laurie Santos, here are a few ways which can help you feel happy.

  1. Socialize

In a world of lockdown, it can be difficult to socialize as such, but let’s thank the technology that because of it we can still be able to do that sitting miles away from our friends or loved ones. Research suggests that most of the happy people are social too. So, pick up that smartphone and call your friends!!!



2.     Help others

While it might not sound as good a way to stay motivated and happy, research suggests that helping others boosts our morale and level of happiness. Donating money, cooking food for family and more, can bring about changes in your moods too. In a way, we feel valuable. Doing random acts of kindness can have a positive effect not only on ourselves but on a larger scale it can positively affect the society too.



3.     Be present

Being mindful of where we are right now is very important. Happy people tend to be more mindful, meaning, noticing where they are right now and what is happening around them. Meditating is one great way to start practicing mindfulness.



Needless to say that in such times, we find it extremely difficult to make sense out of what is happening around us. We feel overwhelmed, out of control, even anxious at times. Staying happy in such times is very important for our own well being and the well being of those around us. As suggested above, meditating and practicing mindfulness can work in ways we cannot even imagine. Eating healthy food, getting in some amount of exercising, inculcating movement of any kind in our daily routines, getting the right amount of sleep are a few things that helps our body relax and nourish. Once our bodies feel relaxed and nourished, we tend to be happier.

Towards the end, a little point that I’d like to touch is acceptance. Acceptance can be a little challenging to practice but once you start, there is no stopping you. For example, in the time of COVID, when we accept what is happening around is beyond our control and try to work on our level, the level of stress decreases tremendously which in turn increases our happiness. On the other hand, let’s try to appreciate the time we are getting to spend with our families and loved ones. For the ones who are unfortunately alone in this bizarre situation, we can take out time to self reflect and introspect, get to know ourselves a little better. With this, I’d like to say a short goodbye! Stay safe, stay happy.




·       For pictures- https://pixabay.com/

·       https://greatergood.berkeley.edu/topic/happiness/definition

·       https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/04/coronavirus-covid19-science-of-wellbeing-yale-advice/

·       https://drexel.edu/now/archive/2020/April/Are-You-Happy-The-Meaning-of-Life-During-COVID-19/