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Post Date: 5 August, 10:47 pm

Dealing with Failures

Dealing with Failures


  By Mehak Doda

Failure should be our teacher, not our undertaker. Failure is Delay, not defeat. It is a temporary detour, not a dead-end“ - Denis Waitley

When we succeed we believe we all have the right answers. But the time we experience failures, we are left with a lot of unanswered questions to meditate upon, giving life to previously imagined possibilities. Failures have an incredible power to awaken us towards course correction. They carry an extraordinary value of revealing to us our deep-seated fears, insecurities, limiting beliefs, and false assumptions. But when we identify ourselves with failures, we chose to allow these revelations to fuel our inadequacy.

Our biggest failures come from reference points we attach to them, worst past or unprecedented future. Failure becomes negative reference points when we attach a heavy narrative to them -pain, distrust, feeling of loss and we unconsciously deny growth and possibilities because of our unwillingness to start all over again or to try an alternative approach. We end up using our failures as an opportunity for self-destruction and stagnation.

But when we attach a positive narrative to our failures , they become tough lessons causing shifts in our lives, realizations through pain and moments of spiritual awakening, the vehicle of our personal growth.

Overcoming failures is all about finding it in ourselves to start again. some measures that can be taken to overcome failures are understood failure is the key path to success, remain calm and reflect, learn from your failures, don’t rationalize failures, self-confidence, stay in present, forget what others think of you, don’t lament-learn, focus and invasion and share your stories of transformation.